What is the "suru/する verbs"
There are some verbs that are so-called "suru/する verbs." suru/する means "to do" in English.
Some verbs in Japanese will use a noun plus suru/する to express that action. For example, "benkyoo-suru/べんきょうする" is consist of the noun "benkyoo/べんきょう" which means "studies" and the auxiliary verb "suru/する." When the word "benkyoo/べんきょう" combined with "suru/する", it becomes the verb "to study", or more literally, "to do studying."
In English the word "study" can be both noun and verb, but in Japanese "benkyoo/べんきょう" is just a noun and cannot be used as a verb. But you can make it verb by simply adding the auxiliary verb suru/する after the noun "benkyoo/べんきょう".

Actually, English has some expressions which are similar to "suru/する verbs." For example, "do the dishes" is consist of the noun "dishes" and the verb "do."
The auxiliary verb suru/する is very useful word because it can make many verbs from nouns.
"suru/する verbs" are often used with nouns which are borrowed from other countries.
For example, there is the Japanese word "jyanpu/じゃんぷ" which means "jump" and is borrowed from English. It is a noun and cannot be used as a verb but you can make it verb by using the auxiliary verb suru/する with the noun "jyanpu/じゃんぷ." In Japanese we say "jyanpu-suru/じゃんぷする" when we want to say "to jump."
There are other examples. "panchi/ぱんち" comes from the English word "punch" and it is a noun itself. The verb "panchi-suru/ぱんちする" can be made from it. Also, the verb "rirakkusu-suru/りらっくすする" can be made by adding the auxiliary verb suru/する to the noun "rirakkusu/りらっくす" which comes from the English word "relax."
The most common "Suru/する verbs"
Listed below are the most common "suru/する verbs" in Japanese:
suru/する verbs | ||
Japanese | English | |
1 | shigoto-suru しごとする 仕事する |
to work |
2 | benkyoo-suru べんきょうする 勉強する |
to study |
3 | syukudai-suru しゅくだいする 宿題する |
to do homework |
4 | sooji-suru そうじする 掃除する |
to clean |
5 | undoo-suru うんどうする 運動する |
to exercise |
6 | renshuu-suru れんしゅうする 練習する |
to practice |
7 | ryoori-suru りょうりする 料理する |
to cook |
8 | sentaku-suru せんたくする 洗濯する |
do the laundry |
9 | sanpo-suru さんぽする 散歩する |
to go for a walk |
10 | denwa-suru でんわする 電話する |
to call |
11 | unten-suru うんてんする 運転する |
to drive |
12 | tyuui-suru ちゅういする 注意する |
to pay attention |
13 | ai-suru あいする 愛する |
to love |
14 | koi-suru こいする 恋する |
to fall in love |
15 | unko-suru うんこする |
take a crap |
16 | shonben-suru しょうべんする 小便する |
take a pee |
17 | onara-suru おならする |
to fart |
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