What are Japanese participles? Let’s learn particle e/へ for now. How to use particle e/へ e/へ(pronounced e, but spelled he) is used to indicate direction of move...
What are Japanese participles? Let’s learn indirect object particle ni/に for now. Indirect object particle ni/に Indirect object particle ni/に is an indirect obj...
What are Japanese participles? Let’s learn particle no/の for now. How to use particle no/の The particle no/の can be used like the English preposition "of" to sh...
How to make negative sentences in Japanese In Japanese the auxiliary verb "nai/ない" is used to change the meaning of the sentence from positive to negative in th...
Here are the most common Japanese verbs and verb group tables. The list of basic 20 verbs Au(あう/会う) - "To do"Aru(ある) - "To be"Asobu(あそぶ/遊ぶ) - "To play"Iu(いう/言う)...
Why Japanese have two different types of adjective Since Japanese has borrowed a large vocabulary from Chinese, there are two types of adjectives in Japanese. T...
What is the masu/ます & masen/ません ? masu/ます and masen/ません are an auxiliary verb, which are used to show politeness in Japanese. Japanese people use them in th...
The basic knowledge about the Japanese verb forms Japanese verbs have five basic conjugations, which can be called the u form, the i form, the a form, the e for...
What is the dictionary form of verbs? Japanese verbs have five basic conjugations, which can be called the u form, the i form, the a form, the e form and the o ...
What are Japanese participles? Let’s learn particle made/まで for now. How to use particle made/まで made/まで is similar to the English preposition until. In English...