Do Japanese nouns have plural form?
Japanese nouns have only one form, which is not changed to indicate number, gender, or the role that the noun plays within the sentence. They remain the same whether they indicate one object or many.
The Japanese word hon/ほん, for example, can mean “a book” or “books.”
In most cases, the number of things that you are talking about will be clear from the context. Where it is necessary to be specific, you can always use numbers or words indicating quantity, just as English speakers do with the English nouns that have no separate plural form.
Examples & Exercises
<Example 1>
takusan no hon
たくさん の ほん
沢山 の 本
many books
<Example 2>
Hon ga takusan aru.
ほん が たくさん ある。
本 が 沢山 ある。
[books many are]
There are many books.
<Example 3>
Hon ga aru.
ほん が ある。
本 が ある。
[A book is / books are]
There is a book. / There are books.